Oil Barge Multi purpose barge

Oil Barge Multi purpose barge

Available quantity:1

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Non propelled oil barge with double skin hull in way of cargo tanks, single

deck superstructure with service accommodation aft.

18 cargo tanks are to be served by two electric-driven cargo pumps and one

stripping pump with capacity enabling discharging during 12 hours.

Design criteria for cargo in tanks: specific density from 0,735 t/rn' to 1,0 t/m'.

Additionally, the vessels are to have a specially dedicated area abt 2000m2 of the flush

deck to carry dry bulk cargo on it.

Design criteria for cargo on special area: homogeneous load 5 t/m".


Loa = 130,40 m (abt)

Lpp = 130,40 m

B (molded) = 29,80 m

T ( design) = 5,00 m

T (scantling) = 5,10 m

H (molded) = 8,30 m

Further details on the attached document

Contact us at info@heeyas.co.uk

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ManufacturerOil Barge